Tuesday 3 July 2007

The River Effra Rises again

I was running late, I had a doctors appointment at 5:45 and due to starting issues with the bike, I didn't leave until 5:20pm. I was in a hurry. I was taking my usual route South on the A23 towards Brixton when the heavens opened, and it bucketed down. Torrents of water falling from the sky.

As I approached the Junction of Stockwell Road and the A23 a wall of water 18 inches high rushed towards me, and within seconds the water was over the wheelhubs of the bike and sizzling around the bottom of the engine, then I noticed the smell, sewerage. The flash flood had lifted it from the sewers. No way I was hanging around in this, especially not in slow traffic guaranteed feet down at some point. I pulled off on to a side turn and was greeted with a floor as white as snow or spring blossom. I nearly lost the bike. It was hail, half an inch in diameter.

There are some photos here, I wouldn't recommend riding in it. Eventually I found my way home through the back streets of Brixton, and got to the Doctors just 15 minutes late.

It was July, and this was totally unexpected, like the apocalypse had arrived. Sadly I didn't manage to snap any pics myself.

More about the starting issues later.

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