Tuesday 19 June 2007

A Plan for Summer 2008

I'm not participating in the usual summer event next year, that's kept me busy since I was 16; and a recent visit to friends in Germany revealed the answer to my "what to do next summer" dilema. My friend (who has requested I call him Baaastard for old times sake) and I hatched a cunning plan. Both keen to try motorcycle touring, both with the cash to burn and the desire to go. One based in Leipzig, one based in London. Him on a Honda Revere (or NTV, or Bros depending on where you live)

We rallied ideas between us, such as a round trip of Europe, with me riding to meet him in Leipzig, then heading off. This was scrubbed when we decided that for the first one we'd want to go somewhere where we could both speak the language and know that a petrol station would always be just around the corner in case anything went wrong.

A plan was born, and we named it the lap.

We decided to do a 2200 mile lap of Britain over ten days. An afternoon was swiftly consumed whilst we poured over maps, distances, timings, Youth hostel and camping websites, kit lists and budgets. It was seemingly all organised already. Perfect Planning Avoids Piss Poor Performance, or something.

See the attached map for a rough guide of where we're heading, it's not accurate as I knocked it up in "paint" in about 10 mins, but it's good as a rough guide.

The Plan

August 13 – 22, 2008

day 1 13th August: London to Kinross

To give Baaastard a chance to catch up with a few friends over here before we leave, we'll be leaving from South London, early in the day so we can cover the 440 miles before nightfall. This is a very long day, and we're torn between camping for cheapness, or hostelling, for cleanliness. We're guessing it'll take 8 hours for this leg. We really should Hostel it.

day 2 14th August: John O’Groats

This is going to be one of my highlights, as a Brit, hitting the top of the country. It's 260 miles from Kinross, and nice Twisty A and B roads all the way, we reckon 6 hours. Camping if it kills us.

day 3 15th: Fort William

A shortish journey from the top of the country to Fort William, somewhere i've always wanted to visit. 185 miles and about 5 hours in the saddle. Youth hostel for sure, to recharge, wash and charge our phones etc.

day 4 16th : Lake District

Another long saddle day, this one about 6 or 7 hours, covering around 260 miles. We're not sure where to head to in Cumbria. Everywhere I can think of is a tourist mecca, we're going to be camping and would love suggestions.

day 5 17th: Snowdon

Our shortest day yet, just over 4 hours and 160 miles to Snowdon in Wales, unmissable and definite camping.

day 6 18th: via Swansea to Bath

Long day again today. We're travelling to Bath, via Swansea so we can visit a charity project both Baaastard and I worked on in 2001, in the deprived area of Penlan. We're hoping to get in touch with the local people we met, but so far this is proving fruitless. We think, travel time only, so excluding the time in Swansea, about 6 hours for this leg of just over 250 miles. We're also going to take the motorway for the first time in the trip out of Wales. Probably heading for a Hostel.

day 7 19th: Lands End via Barnstaple and King Arthur’s Castle

Short in distance but long on time. We're taking the windy route from Bath to Land's End, keeping to the northern Cornish Coast, hopefully with stops in Barnstaple and King Arthur's Castle. Again, a big day for me, the other end of my homeland. Camping for sure.

day 8 20th:Kingsbridge, Devon

A very short day today, even taking the long route via Bodmin, Kelly Bray, Dartmoor it's still only 130 miles. Some of the best riding roads in the country though, so we're going to dwell on this bit and enjoy ourselves. Staying with a Family member of mine.

day 9 21st: Beaulieu via Dorset

We're drawing to a close now, this will feel like the home leg. Along the South Coast from Devon to Beaulieu in the New Forest. Dear to my heart as an old haunt when I was at Uni in Southampton. We'll get a chance to visit the Motor Museum and Camp in some of the prettiest scenery in the UK. We'll try not to run over any wild ponies. This leg's about 150miles, maybe 3 and a half hours.

day 10 22nd: South London. Home.

Hometime. The busy southern coast with it's places of note every couple of feet. Southampton, Portsmouth, Eastbourne, Brighton, Pevensey, Hastings, Rye, Dungeoness. Just 180 miles, and maybe 5 hours, but we'll want it to last forever.

Baaastard will have a few extra days riding time, he's giving himself 2 days to travel each way between Leipzig and London. That's as far as we've got. If anyone has experience of those routes, tips for the journey, must see's, luggage ideas, must miss places or any comments we'd be glad to hear them. It's 13 months away and already I'm too excited


russ oliver said...

This seems like a cracking plan, I'm jealous. Some ambitious riding there, no rest days? Little time for stopping and seeing? But should be great. Suggest a hostel or even hotel at Kinross, youll not feel like camping after 440 mile ride.

SV650 Blogger said...

We should have a fair bit of time to stop off during the days, it's only the first day when we wont have any time to stop and admire things.