Sunday 17 June 2007

A Wet Ride and Some bad driving

Friday night saw me gearing up to leave work and head off to High Halstow, a tiny village in the Isle of Grain in Kent. I already knew the route from driving before, but this was the first time on a bike.

From my office it's the A2 all the way, from Elephant and Castle to the start of the M2 when you pull off towards Strood and take the smaller roads. Things started well enough, and I was experimenting with a tank bag, borrowed from my brother, ahead of the Cornwall Ride next weekend. I'm not sure what happened to me, I was filtering well enough, and lane splitting where necessary, but at one set of lights in New Cross I decided that a Scooter had left enough of a gap for me to squeeze past between him and a car. Not quite and my brake lever clipped his top box. I apologised profusely, and he was fine with it, but what was making me ride so stupidly. I tried to avoid going "On Tilt" for the rest of the journey, and took it easy. Up over Blackheath, past the excellent Tea Hut, and down onto the A2 proper, the three lane A road. I accelerated up to around 70 on the slip road only to spot the dreaded yellow of the gatso on my right hand side. I slammed the anchors on and bled a lot of speed instantly, but still exceeding the 50 limit when I passed it. I only hope that it doesn't monitor the slip road and concentrates on the A2 itself.

The A2 is a dull road, especially at evening rush hour when it is so slow moving and covered in Speed Cameras. I progressed steadily on my way east, to the point when the road becomes "National Speed Limit". That's 70 on roads of more than one lane. Almost immediately it became a car park. Mile after mile of roadworks. I managed to make a lot of progress lane splitting, and following the lead of a Yellow Speed Triple that hooned past me.

Not soon enough I saw the start of the M2 and my exit off to Grain and Strood and the last 10 miles or so passed in blissful exhaust noise and limited traffic.


I left my friend's house shortly after lunchtime, trying to beat the wet weather. The words of my hostess ringing in my ears. "I'll laugh if it starts raining as you leave the driveway". It did. Nothing major at first, just some very light mist; which all but cleared up by the time I got onto the faster roads.

Quick check on the mileage, I'm showing 110 since last fill up, easy for the 30 miles home, maybe with change to spare for tomorrow. 10 miles later the light comes on, as I pull onto the M25, and the heavens open. A further 15 miles and the light goes constant. Arse. Where's the 40miles I had in reserve last time gone? This is bad, I know the range is 15 miles on a good day with the constant light, but I've just used what should have covered 40 miles in 15, and there were still 5miles to my junction (the next junction) and a drink for the bike. At this stage the rain was actually painful, hitting my jacket with such ferocity that each one felt like a pin prick. It wasn't turning out to be the best day. I kept the gears high and the speed low, and slowed to 60 on the inside lane, thankful for the bit of weather protection the lorries in front gave me.

Junction 4 finally came around and I coaxed the SV up the slip road and onto the A21, could I make the petrol station at Pratts Bottom, just 2 miles away now.

I coughed it's last at the entrance to the petrol station and I pushed it to the pumps. Lesson learned. Never take anything for granted. Fill her up when you get the chance.

I stopped of at my parents for a cup of tea and a chance to get out of the rain, as they're on my way home from the M25, and sat out the rest of the weather before heading home in glorious sunshine.

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